Want to learn more about neurodivergence in adults?
Join Clinical Psychologist Mariane Power as she explores the intricate and nuanced topic of neurodiversity. Learn how neurodivergence impacts wellbeing, the role of inclusive environments, and the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent adults working in schools.
This enlightening podcast will broaden your understanding and equip you with neuro-affirming practices to support the diversity of your school staff. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge of neurodevelopmental profiles including Autism (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.
This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of neurodivergence and its impact on individuals and school communities. It’s a journey of discovery, understanding, and acceptance.
In this conversation we discuss
▫️ What does it mean to be neurodivergent.
▫️ The benefits of a neurodiverse workplace.
▫️ Why curiosity and compassion are paramount.
▫️ And so much more
You can quote us on that…
“Neurodivergence refers to all of the different neurodevelopmental profiles that we see.”
Mariane Power
“I think everybody’s journey is different. And that’s really important to recognise.”
Mariane Power
“We’re getting better at being okay with being different.”
Mariane Power
Mariane – Website | LinkedIn | Instagram
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.