Feeling busy and overwhelmed by your work and life? Live life better by taking wellbeing tips provided in this heartfelt episode with Meg Durham. Move beyond intention and into action every day so that you can break the cycle of ‘busy’ and give yourself the space to make better decisions for yourself, your family and the wider community.
So what’s this episode really about?
- Finding the delicate balance between comfort and challenge to inspire real change.
- The five practical ways to manage your energy levels so you can feel good, function well and relate better.
- Effective ways to reflect on your energy levels to create more headspace for a happier life at work and home.
Why you should listen
If you often feel busy and exhausted from the demands in your life, then the learning in this podcast is for you. During this solo episode, Meg shines a light on the wellbeing resources she has created and curated that provide easy, practical tools you can use daily for a life well-lived. Her wellbeing coaching has touched the lives of countless students, teachers, educators, and parents, and now it’s your turn to listen in.
Practical Applications
- The five pillares for energy management are sleep, movement, nourishment, rest and connection.
- Become aware of the five P’s that are subtly draining your energy: perfecting, pleasing, pretending, producing and performing.
- Learn to schedule time in your day for reflection. The analogy here is: if life is a dance floor, make sure to take time to head to the balcony for reflection and headspace to achieve renewed sense of self and direction.
You can quote us on that…
“Perfecting, pleasing, pretending, producing, performing: are subtle ways we keep ourselves wired and tired.”
Meg Durham
“You have my permission to start considering your needs.”
Meg Durham
“At the end of the day, good intentions are simply not enough. We have to take courageous action. We have to do things differently in order to feel, function and relate better.”
Meg Durham
Links from this episode
Circuit Breaker 1:1 Wellbeing Coaching Session
Masterclass: How To Break The Cycle Of Busy
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The learning doesn’t have to stop here. Get your free dose of wellbeing education in your inbox with Meg’s Thought Of The Week. Click here to subscribe.
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.