Welcome to the 100th episode of The School of Wellbeing podcast!
In this celebratory episode, Meg Durham speaks with expert guest Ben Crowe about finding your mojo. Teaching is about so much more than academics; it’s about discovering your passion, too!
Listen in and learn from Ben, a professional mentor and leadership coach, about the importance of teachers finding a fresh outlook, looking within and nurturing self-compassion.
You’ll walk away with practical techniques – like flipping “got to” to “get to”, how to use acceptance lists, and so much more. This episode champions self-awareness, mindset development, and self-compassion as keys to a more joyful, genuine life.
You’ll also hear from a few of Meg’s loyal listeners. Were you featured? Listen in to find out!
In this conversation we discuss
▫️ How to find your mojo.
▫️ The art of appreciation and acceptance.
▫️ Why your mindset really matters.
▫️ And so much more…
You can quote us on that…
“Finding your mojo is about finding your authentic self first, and celebrating those imperfections rather than berating them.”
Ben Crowe
“You can’t work out what you want until you work out who you are.”
Ben Crowe
“It’s not the experiences of our life that determines our lives; it’s our interpretation of those experiences that determine it.”
Ben Crowe
Ben Crowe – Website | Mojo App | Instagram | LinkedIn
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.