Learn about the power of movement so you can achieve wellbeing at any age. In this uplifting conversation with psychologist and author Dr Gordon Spence, you’ll hear about the benefits of physical activity for healthy aging. Even if you currently put exercise in the “too hard” basket due to life’s demands, this conversation will inspire you to discover physical fitness that is right for you.
So what’s this episode really about
- The three main reasons why movement is essential to our overall wellbeing.
- The many reasons movement is put in the “too hard” category and how to overcome that.
- How physical activity can be an excellent way to bolster social connections.
Why you should listen
Physical movement is innate in all of us. But as we age into adulthood, other life activities tend to take its place. Whether it’s a career, parenting, or just too cold outside, we tend to stop exercising regularly. But it turns out that healthy aging starts at a much younger age than we think. And it’s important to start moving (and keep moving) for your overall health and wellbeing. In this conversation, you’ll find the motivation needed to start moving and discover what fitness is best for you. Are you into extreme ironing (yes, that’s a thing!), love aerobics, strength training, hiking or hopping on an exercise bike? Listen now to find out what’s right for you and to start moving in a way that you’ll genuinely love.
Actionable Skills
- Consider using terms such as ‘physical activity’ instead of negative-associated words such as ‘exercise’.
- Ask yourself two questions: (1) Why do I want to get physically active again? What am I trying to create for myself? (2) What intrinsic and extrinsic motivations will help me get active?
- Plan out who is in your physical activity ecosystem to help to sustain your active effort.
You can quote us on that…
“We evolved to move.”
Dr Gordon Spence
“Healthy aging isn’t something that starts in your 60s or 70s; it’s a lifelong process.”
Dr Gordon Spence
“Too much too soon can be a demotivating thing.”
Dr Gordon Spence
Dr Gordon Spence – Website | Book | LinkedIn
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.