Learn about the importance of caring for yourself to be the best parent, teacher and caregiver you can be. In this heartfelt conversation, Dr Suniya Luthar shares her research focusing on the effects of high-pressure settings on caregivers and those they care for. You’ll be surprised by interesting discoveries in Dr Luthar’s research and the importance of supporting people in caregiving roles for better mental health and wellbeing.
So what’s this episode really about
- How parents, teachers and caregivers can set an example for young people.
- Overcoming mental obstacles that hold you back from seeking support from those around you.
- Why it’s essential to find your ‘go-to’ people to reach out to before you’re at a breaking point.
Why you should listen
If you are a caregiver – as a parent, teacher, coach, or care provider for others – this episode has a wealth of beneficial information. Dr Luthar explore the topic of mental health and wellbeing in ‘at-risk’ communities that might surprise you. You’ll walk away with an understanding of why expectations for high achievement can produce adverse outcomes for the caregiver and child. You’ll learn why it’s so important for caregivers to be supported, how caregivers can find support networks, and what caregivers can do to foster resilience, improve mental health and model what we want to see in our young people.
Actionable Skills
- Create a list of your ‘go-to’ people, and make sure you reach out proactively to them.
- Allow yourself time and space to not be ok and seek support from those around you.
- Model the behaviours and actions you want your young people to demonstrate.
You can quote us on that…
“Humanity has been traumatised over the last couple of years – who, now, does not need help?”
Dr Suniya Luthar
“If you want a child to do well, your first job is to make sure the primary caregiver is doing well,
Dr Suniya Luthar
“Don’t wait to be broken.”
Dr Suniya Luthar
Dr Suniya Luthar – Website
Authentic Connections Groups – Website
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.
Loved this one Meg!
Thank you for listening Kristi and I am glad you enjoyed it! x