Learn how to identify and overcome burnout from clinical and coaching psychologist Dr Jo Mitchell for better wellbeing, effectiveness and success at work and in life. In this episode, you’ll discover precisely what burnout is (it’s more common than you think!), the obvious and subtle signs of burnout, and how you can learn to overcome burnout for a flourishing life.
So what’s this episode really about?
- An exploration of what work burnout is and a deep dive into why it’s now considered an occupational phenomenon in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
- The many myths about burnout you might believe and how that can take ownership of your wellbeing.
- Why burnout is more common in women and other reasons the pandemic has affected the way we work.
Why you should listen
Are you feeling emotionally drained, overwhelmed, or struggling to meet the demands of your workplace and home life? Over 75% of all Australians confirmed they suffered from burnout in 2020. That means statistically that three out of the four people closest to you experienced burnout syndrome and may still be suffering. In this episode, Dr Jo Mitchell and Meg concisely explain why burnout has become so prevalent and what you can do to clearly recognise the symptoms. From this conversation, you’ll learn what you can do to create an ideal work environment for yourself and take back your life to feel happier in the workplace and at home.
Actionable Skills
- Be aware of the signs of burnout at work – (1) Are you physically and emotionally exhausted? (2) Do you find yourself consistently cynical at work? (3) Do you feel ineffective at work? If you are experiencing these symptoms, please reach out for help.
- Ask yourself – What can I control? What are the old attitudes or beliefs that I hold that may be getting in my way? Recognise what is in your control and what isn’t.
- If you’re looking for a word mantra, consider the German word Feierabend, which means ‘work is done and now I’m off to celebrate my life.’
You can quote us on that…
“I think when we really know ourselves, then we can make better decisions about what to prioritise, what matters most at this stage in my life, and what am I going to let go of.”
Dr Jo Mitchell
“In order to perform anything – whether it’s in your relationship or whether it’s doing your job – you need attention. Where your attention is, that’s where the performance flows. In order to have attention, we need energy.”
Dr Jo Mitchell
“Significantly, in 2019, the World Health Organisation recognised ‘burnout’ as a syndrome and placed it within its diagnostic manual (the international classification of disease). They talk about [burnout] as a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”
Dr Jo Mitchell
Article: Burnout Is A Wild Beast
Article: How ‘Feierabend’ helps Germans disconnect from the workday
Book: My Beautiful Mess by Peta Sitcheff
Dr Jo Mitchell – Website | About | Instagram
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.