Learn about the effects of Impostor Syndrome from esteemed psychologist and mindfulness teacher Cass Dunn so you can build your confidence and live a more successful life. Meg and Cass discuss the key characteristics of self-doubt that affect a significant portion of the population and how to overcome these barriers to enjoy your success and be truly happy.
So what’s this episode really about?
- The impact a lack of self-confidence can have on our lives.
- Learning how to stop defining ourselves by our successes and achievements for better wellbeing.
- Why it’s important to manage our feelings and emotions instead of allowing them to control us.
Why you should listen
You’ll get so much from this episode if you often experience self-doubt or believe that you constantly have to achieve more to justify your success. Meg and Cass dive deep into issues surrounding self-confidence and self-belief and how to tap into both for a more successful life. You’ll learn about the importance of recognising self-doubt so that you can better be in control of these feelings, and how trust in yourself can ultimately help you become a happier, more mindful human.
Helpful Strategies
- Do one thing every day that brings you joy or pleasure.
- Give yourself permission to stop, rest, breathe, and reset.
- Trust that what you’re doing every day is ‘enough’.
You can quote us on that…
“Cultivating self-confidence and overcoming all of those self-doubts and fears, it can disrupt a lot of things in life.”
Cass Dunn
“We’re so hijacked by our feelings all of the time. It’s not about getting rid of anxiety; it’s about learning to just… ‘oh well, there’s my old friend anxiety’, and it can come along for the ride, but it doesn’t drive the bus.”
Cass Dunn
“Some of us have got to that point where you start to realise that life can be easy. I could stop stressing about doing all of these things that I think people expect of me. I could do less and still be happy, successful, and have all that I need.”
Cass Dunn
Cass Dun – Website | Instagram | Books | Podcast
Meg Durham – Instagram | LinkedIn | Energy By Design | Bookings
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.