Empower yourself to make changes that last in your life. In this solo episode with Meg Durham, learn about why we struggle to make changes and practical ways to overcome that struggle. Then, with The 5 ‘C’ of Change, Meg shows you a clear path to make resounding changes for better physical and emotional wellbeing.
So what’s this episode really about?
- Shining a light on the very real dilemma of implementing changes with a brain that will try everything it can to stop you from changing
- Recognising the negative thought patterns that become hurdles in the change process and how to overcome them
- Establishing five actionable pointers that will help you make the changes you seek everlasting
Why you should listen
Our brain’s design keeps us doing things in familiar and predictable ways. And yet we all have a deep desire to learn and grow. If something’s not working for you in your life, it takes effort and energy to change it. It takes failing and starting again. So whether you’re seeking more energy, a new goal or more contentment, this episode with Meg breaks down insightful tools you can use today for actionable change. Listen in so you can take a step forward in the right direction for better wellbeing.
Helpful Strategies
- Consider The 5 C’s of Change – Commitment, Compassion, Courage, Consistency, Community.
- Start to notice the way resistance shows up for you and whwn you want to stop.
- Avoid ‘all or nothing’ thinking while making important changes in your life.
You can quote us on that…
“Our brains are designed to keep us thinking, feeling and acting in familiar and predictable ways.”
Meg Durham
“When we start to feel uncomfortable, we often stop and avoid that discomfort; because we’re getting to the edge of our comfort zone.”
Meg Durham
“A lot of people fall into the trap of ‘all or nothing’ thinking when it comes to their wellbeing.”
Meg Durham
“If change were a song, compassion would be the chorus.”
Meg Durham
Meg Durham – Instagram | LinkedIn | Energy By Design | Bookings
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Hi, I'm Meg!
B.Phys Ed, M. Ed (Student Wellbeing), CIPP
I’m a teacher with experience working in primary and secondary schools across Australia, and a specialist in the field of wellbeing education and coaching. I founded Open Mind Education in 2013 with a vision of sharing practical, enriching wellbeing education with staff, parents, and broader school communities.